Teacher Training
All of our teacher training offerings are currently online. We invite you to explore our video series and/or to contact us for customized consultations in support of your nature-based learning endeavors. We know that many programs are spending more time outdoors and we are happy to help support the growing outdoor learning movement!
Permaculture is a combination of the words “permanent” and “culture”. Though a bit of a misgnomer (no culture is permanent in the literal sense), the goals of permaculture are to be in harmony with natural cycles and systems in order to align human practices with the needs of healthy ecosystems. Please contact us to learn more about our 2025 Permaculture Design course options.
Skill Building
We offer year-round skill building workshops for adults that focus on topics such as gardening, wild crafting, seasonal cooking, survival and homesteading arts. Please email us to request our seasonal newsletter to learn about upcoming opportunities.